How about our first show in Edwardsville? Big D, Sarah, Shane and <____> get a shout for coming out to support us in a new town.

We heard the bartender was a lovable bearded dancing bear with a sharp tongue. Proved correct.

We also proved:

  • liquor causes 40% drunkenness
  • binking is a conversation starter
  • bonfires in the middle of a field are fantastic
  • especially when its cold
  • logs can be buried in dirt
  • throwing logs is wild man
  • its all about the maintenance of the fire

At this time I’d like to thank Mike Schurk for all his work on the masterpiece fire.

If you were lucky enough to be there that night you might have caught a certain tour of the fire given by the fire’s head curator – Firebeard Graves. The educational tour began on the “core” side of the fire where you could literally see the heart and soul of the fire, the blazes striking your closed, thin, eyelids. The heat produced in that core would sustain a small village for 6 days.

Next it was on to the “structural” side of the fire which clearly showed a cross section of the strength that maintained the fire’s core, providing it with plenty of fresh fuel. The bittersweet beauty of the structural side is its fleeting nature, as the fire develops, the foundation of the fire is continually changed and rebuilt to manage the fire.

Finally, the “aesthetic” side of the fire, the most popular with all of the tourists. They were heavily gathered during tour hours. The famous “postcard shot” you have probably seen a thousand times was taken on this side of the fire.

And there you have it. We look forward to this again soon.


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