In honor of Halloween we decided to play a set of all Russian folk songs.  We thought, obviously the good people of Llywelyns would favor such a choice.  For the better part of the evening we were proven right as several  folks danced and clapped during and after each tune.  This is a sure-fire way to win friends and influence your uncle.  In light of this popular set, we are going to take a short break from playing there, mostly because it takes a while to learn all those Russian folk songs, and well, we sure wouldn’t want to repeat the same songs again after the feedback we recived.

Thanks to Steven Shalwitz, our band manager, for booking the show.  We really need to give him props on our website more often.  Consider this the first of those propers.

We also wore costumes, Brian was dead Abraham Linclon.  Joel was a living Malcom X, Chris was one of those nurses from the Obama administration’s dead panels and Nathan was a mixture of Ben Franklin and a monk (thats what you get at 5pm on pre-Halloween night at Johnny Brocks).


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